When most people think of technology they think of computers, but technology has been fully assimilated into our lives and completely changed the way we live and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Technology has always been around since the beginning of time when humans began using tools. Technology is the driving force based on constantly improving their environments that even primitive tools such as the ax were considered advanced technological breakthroughs at points in ancient history. Today, just as it was in the past, those that are more technologically advanced have the advantage. Instead of the ax in ancient times, today we have computers, tablets and mobile devices.

In fact, due to such advantages, we are a feature-driven society where we make purchases based more on unneeded features than on practical application. For example, when a new phone comes out people start the buzz word frenzy (megapixels, CPU/GPU) and talk about its specifications and compare features to similar competitors which accelerates innovation to produce more features (continuing the feature cycle). In the not so distant past a mobile phone was primarily used to talk but through technological advances a phone in 2019 is now a mobile network and fully self-contained data center that is 120 million times more powerful than the systems used to put Neil Armstrong on the moon.

Our dependence on mobile devices makes us in a sense cyborg as they are attached to us like body parts and extend or enhance our human capability. With the advent of artificial intelligence our phones have virtual assistants that can access information rapidly using natural spoken language (voice recognition), and visual gestures.

Today approximately 5 billion people have mobile phones which is two thirds of the global population. The technology of today will be considered ancient technologies in the rapidly advancing future and you need to be prepared because the future of it is you.

“In the not so distant past a mobile phone was primarily used to talk but through technological advances a phone in 2019 is now a mobile network and fully self-contained data center that is 120 million times more powerful than the systems used to put Neil Armstrong on the moon.” – Bernard Hardy

Written by Bernard Hardy – 2019